Uva 10994 - Simple Addition

*** At first i have just found that what is the reminder sum result from 1 to the last range. And then, found the reminder sum result from 1 to the first-1 range. And finally, I have have got the AC result to do Subtraction operation between them :)

using namespace std;

typedef long long LL;

// Digit_Sum (SPOJ)

//int sum(int n)
//    if(n<10)return ( (n* (n+1)) / 2 );
//    int t=n,i=0,x;
//    while(n/10 !=0)
//    {
//        //x=n%10;
//        i++;
//        n/=10;
//    }
//    int p = powl(10,i);
//    return ( (n*i*45*p/10) + (n* (n-1) * p/2 ) + n * (t%p + 1) + sum(t%p));
//int main()
//    int x,y;
//    while(cin >> x >> y)
//    {
//        cout << sum(y) - sum(x-1) << endl;
//    }
//    return 0;

LL mod_sum(LL n)
    LL ans=0;

        LL x = n%10;
        ans+=( (x*(x+1)) / 2 ) + (n * 45);

    return ans;

int main()
    LL x,y;
    while(cin >> x >> y)
        if(x<0 and y<0)break;

        cout << mod_sum(y) - mod_sum(x-1) << endl;

    return 0;


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